
Wolf tattoos, 130 best ideas (and their meaning)

Tattoos are a body art to show a part of your personality to the rest of the world. However, your tattoos do not define who you really are. In today's world of criticism and judgment, people who wear tattoos are often seen as delinquents, rebels, bizarre creatures, or worshipers.

It is unfair that tattooed people must suffer this discrimination because the tattoos go beyond what our eyes see. They carry messages hidden behind these symbols and forms that seem to have no meaning. Each tattoo has a personal meaning for the wearer. There is a story behind every tattoo – a story that can be too personal to share with words.

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People should try to understand the meaning behind the tattoos so that they can appreciate them. It's such a mess to wear artistic body tattoos if no one understands the message you are trying to convey! For example, a wolf tattoo has deep meanings and is not limited to the impression of a pretty animal image. This tattoo represents the traits of the person wearing it. You should not judge this person immediately.

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Meaning of Wolf Tattoos

A wolf tattoo can have different meanings depending on the person wearing it. The meaning of the tattoos of wolves highlights the characteristics of this animal. Many people are afraid of wolves. This could be due to the fact that in movies, these animals are usually bad. They represent the alter-ego of the antagonist: that's why many people find scary wolves. These beautiful animals also often have physical expressions that are misunderstood by people. The wolves' eyes are ferocious: they are proof of their diabolical nature. But it's not always the case. There are calm and well-intentioned wolves.

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One of the most common interpretations of wolf tattooing is that it symbolizes strength and power. Wolves have a special ability: they are able to survive in the worst conditions. The characteristics of the wolf are the reason why he is considered a powerful creature.

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A wolf tattoo can also represent the family. Myths and legends tell that wolves have a family and that the bond that exists between each member is exceptional. Wolves are naturally loyal to their families. That's why many people get this type of tattoo: to express their love for their family.

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Types of Wolf Tattoos

Wolf tattoos are among the most popular tattoos for men and women. They have a deep meaning for every tattooed person. It is also one of the only tattoos of animals that has deep connections with humans. This is one of the many reasons why people are tattooed with wolves nowadays.

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A wolf tattoo can be in any form. It can be a tribal tattoo, a realistic or traditional drawing and even a cartoon character. The type of tattoo you will burn on the skin does not matter. What matters is the design of the tattoo and the meaning it will have for you. In addition, the drawings of wolves combined with other symbols make them even more significant and more picturesque.

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Here are some of the most remarkable wolf tattoo designs. You will probably love them:

  1. Moon and Wolf tattoo

This drawing is a combination of moon and wolf. It is one of the most popular types of wolf tattoos among men and women. In this drawing, you can see a wolf howling at the moon. Many films and illustrations have used this scene to represent the desire of a character to express his deep self. In the tattoos, this drawing is used to represent a deep feeling felt by the person wearing it – and his desire to make it known to the world. This tattoo also represents the desire for total transformation of a person.

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  1. Tattoo of heart and wolf

Here is another popular Wolf tattoo design – perfect for women. This tattoo design has a feminine touch probably due to the addition of hearts to the drawing. Here, the drawing rises two wolves placed next to each other and looking at each other. If you observe the general picture, you will notice that the silhouette of the two wolves forms a heart. This type of tattoo usually represents family and love. It shows the bond that unites members of a family. The wolves, in this drawing, were not represented with a fierce expression. Their expression is, on the contrary, calm and kind and expresses the way family members see each other, although they show their strong personality to people who do not belong to the family.

  1. Tribal tattoo of wolf

Here is one of the most complicated drawings of tattoos ever seen. Drawing a tribal tattoo of wolf requires precision and the greatest concentration possible. Usually, this tattoo combines a large number of curves and lines. The artist forms the wolf's head and neck using only these curves and tribal lines. Drawing the exterior of this tattoo is already a difficult thing in itself, but creating the shadows is yet another. The tribal tattoos of wolves are eccentric and detailed. This tattoo symbolizes the strength of the connection between a person and his culture, his ethnicity.

  1. Wolf print tattoo

Instead of simply showing the wolf's head, this tattoo also included his footprints in the drawing. In fact, this representation is quite complex. It reflects the experience of the tattoo artist who does the work. The design of this tattoo is done in such a way that you will only see the print of the wolf if you look at it a little further. If you look closely, you will see that in fact, the print of the wolf contains the head of it. It is a true masterpiece, classic and ageless. This tattoo drawing symbolizes progress. Anyone wearing this type of tattoo is a visionary who always goes ahead.

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Ideal placement of wolf tattoos

A wolf tattoo is a remarkable drawing to show. You should choose a place where it will be easily noticed by those around you. For more extended wolf tattoos, you can choose the back, which is the most spacious part of the human body. You may decide to completely cover your back with the tattoo design or place a minimalist design on one side, just a little below the shoulders.

Legs and thighs are also popular places for wolf tattoos. Placing your tattoo on these parts of the body will give you a sexier and hotter touch. These two places are perfect for people who want to be able to show or hide their tattoos as they please.

Placing a smaller wolf design on your neck can also have a fantastic rendering. This tattoo will look super cool when you tie your hair (for women) or when you wear a sleeveless top (for men).

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Preparation tips before the tattoo session

If you get tattooed for the first time, you will probably feel a bit nervous and have a lot of questions to ask. Does it hurt? How long will the procedure take? How much will my tattoo cost me? What should I prepare for the session? These are just some of the questions that will come to you naturally in mind if you are thinking of getting yourself a tattoo. Do not worry, they are completely normal.

Beginners must absolutely have had a good night's sleep before going to the rendezvous set by the tattoo artist. Some people do not support the sound of tattoo guns, so having a relaxed mind before starting the session can help you a lot.

You must also eat well and drink plenty of fluids before going to the tattoo studio. This will help you support the entire procedure. Because, if it is true that the realization of a tattoo is painful, the pain is not exactly intolerable. Each person has a different level of pain tolerance, so you should not be scared if your friends tell you that the procedure was difficult for them. Who knows? You may even laugh because you can not find the tattoo painful at all.

If you're nervous because you're going to get your first tattoo done, you can go to the session with a friend so he can make the conversation during the process. This will help you forget the physical discomfort caused by the tattoo.

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Estimation of realization costs and standard prices of wolf tattoos

Wolf tattoos can have very different sizes and designs. These two factors directly affect the price of the service. If your wolf drawing is very large, you will probably spend between € 250 and € 500. This price range corresponds to the prices charged by the popular tattoo studios. If you want to have a cheaper tattoo, you can go to a local tattoo studio, which will probably charge you half the price of fashionable studios.

For smaller tattoos, you will probably spend between € 50 and € 100. Just be sure to bring your drawing with you, otherwise the tattoo artist might ask you for a supplement for the creation of the drawing. The more complicated your design, the more expensive your tattoo will be. So make sure your drawing matches the budget you have.

Maintenance tips for wolf tattoos

Once your wolf tattoo is engraved on your skin, it is normal that you are excited. But you should not forget to listen to the list of post-session care – that the tattoo artist will mention. Follow these tips carefully if you want to get the best results once the tattoo healing process is complete.

One of the tips generally given by tattoo artists is to not wear too tight clothing until the skin is healed. As the tattoo procedure hurts the skin, wearing tight clothing could be extremely painful. The place where your tattoo is is covered with semi-liquid substances produced by the injury and your clothes could adhere to the wound – which could then cause skin infections. It could also get the ink out of the tattoo and discolor it.

If you want to prevent your tattoo from fading quickly, remember to apply sunscreen every time you go out. Even so, you will have to avoid staying in the sun too long.

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