
140 beautiful tattoos on the belly [hommes et femmes]

Tattoos are common aesthetic improvements today. They serve to highlight parts of the body of men and women. Tattoos also help to express feelings that are beyond words and actions.

In the past, only gangsters and delinquents wore tattoos, which created a stigma that made those who wore tattoos criminals. This unjust prejudice lasted until the 1990s. Before that time, society was not ready to accept people who showed their love for body art. But this is no longer the case. Today, the company has finally opened its arms and has obviously accepted people wearing tattoos. Instead of being judged, tattooed people are now warmly welcomed.

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People who belong to a conservative culture are often made tattoos little visible. Tattoos on the stomach and back are examples of this type of tattoos. These body parts will only be visible if you intentionally show them to others. These are perfect places for those who are not daring enough to flaunt their tattoos.

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Meaning of tattoos on the belly

Belly tattoos have a lot of meanings. You can almost choose any design for this particular tattoo. For example, you can use a tree design of life to cover the stretch marks of your belly. You can even use them to give your drawing a better rendering. When you get that type of tattoo, it's an indirect way to celebrate the gift of life or the ability of women to bring new life to life.

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You can also have an animal tattoo on your stomach. If you love animals, this could be a clear declaration of love for your pet. Animal friends have a special and emotional connection with their pals. Wearing the head of your pet tattooed on the belly will remind you forever. Because, as you know, animals live shorter lives than humans. So, if you lost your companion, it will allow you to wear an image that will remind you.

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The notes of music will also have a very good rendering on the belly. When you wear this type of tattoo, people automatically think that you like music or that you are a musician. This tattoo could also mean that you see life as a score and fill it with notes to compose a melody.

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Types of belly tattoos

Belly tattoos are often chosen by women to give a sexy sensation. These can easily show their belly without putting themselves topless, unlike men. Current fashion trends allow it. Short tops are very common among young women. This type of fashion allows Tattoos owners to effortlessly showcase their body art work to the world. However, that does not mean that only women can wear this type of tattoo. Men are also tattooed on their stomachs but you can only notice them if they go shirtless.

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Men and women have tattoos on their stomachs for many different reasons. One of the most obvious reasons is that this tattoo adds to their beauty. Another is sometimes to cover stretch marks, often present on women's bodies. Although stretch marks are completely normal on the belly, especially in women who have had children, these body marks can ruin your overall image. This is the reason why many women are doing this type of tattoo today.

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1. Tattoos of butterflies on the belly

Women love butterfly designs. They are the symbol of their femininity and their grace. Butterflies fly slightly in the air and go wherever they want, making them an ideal symbol of freedom. As a human being, you certainly want to have all the freedom possible. Like butterflies, many people dream of getting rid of the chains that nail them where they are.

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2. Tribal tattoos on the belly

It is also a beautiful drawing for tattoos of the belly. Tribal designs are characterized by their thick lines and their particular patterns. They are usually made only in black ink. This type of tattoo drawing also presents curves and loops that highlight the eccentricity of the drawing. Wearing this type of tattoo means that you want to get closer to your ethnic roots. It also means that you respect the tribes who created this particular type of art.

3. Tattoos of feathers on the belly

This tattoo design is perfect for both men and women. For one reason or another, the feathers seem particularly soothing and relaxing. This is probably due to their lightness or their way of slipping into the soft breeze. This tattoo design represents the carefree nature of the one who wears it. It indicates that the tattooed person is naturally adventurous and spontaneous.

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Ideal placement of belly tattoos

Obviously, tattoos of the belly are always placed on this area of ​​the body. The only point to discuss is how you want to arrange your drawing or the angle you want to incorporate into the artwork. But some tattoos are not big enough to cover the entire surface. The difficulty will be to determine on which part you want to place your tattoo. Between? Or will the rendering be better on one side? Unless you place it on both sides, mirroring? The answer to this question will depend on the reason you have chosen.

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For example, if you plan to get tattooed feathers, they will have a good rendering on one side of the belly. Since feathers are usually small, the result may be odd if you stretch them to cover the entire belly surface. If you do, your tattoo will not be that great anymore.

The tattoos of trees are perfect, placed in the middle of the belly. They are naturally big and you will not have to worry about stretching them. You can ask your tattoo artist to put the trunk in the center and spread the branches and leaves on both sides of the belly. You can also totally change the placement of this type of tattoo.

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Preparation tips before the tattoo session

As with all other types of tattoos, you must have some things in mind before going to the tattoo studio. The tattoos on the stomach are amazing and sensational, that's for sure, but you should also know that they have disadvantages, especially if you are a woman. If you have never been pregnant, you should think twice about doing this type of tattoo. Because when you're pregnant, your belly will naturally increase in size. This will stretch your skin and cause you to stretch. Now, imagine the effect that this stretch will have on a tattoo placed on this area … This one will be distorted and will never recover its aspect first. So you have to think carefully about what you want to do.

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Once you have decided on a tattoo on your stomach, you will have to prepare yourself physically. Avoid drinking alcohol within 24 hours of the session. Alcohol fluidifies the blood and is therefore not indicated in the case of a tattoo procedure because, when your blood is more fluid, bleeding is more abundant or excessive. This can be quite dangerous. You will also have had a good night's sleep and a good meal before going to the tattoo appointment. This will allow you to relax and give you the strength to resist the session.

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Estimation of realization costs and standard prices of tattoos on the belly

The price of your tattoo will depend on the size of the design you want to tattoo. If this is the first time you get a tattoo, we strongly advise you to get a tattoo. It is difficult to erase a tattoo but, if yours is small, it will be easier to remove in case, later, you regret having done so. Usually, a normal sized tattoo made in black ink costs around € 50 to € 200. Larger tattoos usually cost between € 200 and € 400.

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Maintenance tips for belly tattoos

It is important to know how to care for a tattoo, both immediately after the session and in the long term. That your tattoo remains as alive and vibrant as when you did it should be your priority. For that, you will have to avoid at all costs to scratch it during the healing process. It is normal for the tattooed area to tickle, because your skin is recovering, but if you do not want your tattoo to become scarred, you must wait for the dead skin to fall naturally.

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It is also very important that you never expose your new tattoo to the sun. The heat of the sun will quickly fade colors and can damage your skin. If you really need to stay under the sun, always apply sunscreen to minimize the damage, even after the healing process is over.

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