Angels are celestial creatures whose existence is obvious to many people. They are beings superior to men. Angels guide humans in everything they do. At the religious level, they would have been sent by the Almighty to take care of human beings. The debate remains open as to the real existence of these celestial creatures.
Many people are not worried about whether angels exist or not. They are generally considered one of the most adorable representations of celestial beings. In fact, most people get tattoos of angels simply because they are particularly cute and adorable.
While some people are tattoos of angels only because of their appearance, others have much deeper and important reasons to do so. A large number of human beings claim to have seen angels and some even say they have met them. Although there is no scientific proof of their existence, believers' faith remains strong and everyone should respect it.
Meaning of tattoos of angels
Angel tattoos have far deeper meanings than other tattoo designs. These meanings are usually determined by the type of angel used for the drawing. Usually, guardian angels are used to represent protection and authority. Since their role is to protect people closely, people wearing a guardian angel tattoo feel strangely safer.
The tattoos of fallen angels can represent the regret of sins that you have committed. The drawings of fallen angels often show their heads in their hands, clearly repentant of the sins they have committed. Many of those who do this tattoo want to remember their sins and ask for God's forgiveness. It is also a way to show others that you are humble in the face of this being more powerful than you.
Types of tattoos of angels
There are several types of angels that you can use for your drawing. It can also focus on different body parts of these beings. Many angels are named in the Bible. Whether in the Old Testament or in the New, the angels are mentioned in the scriptures. This is why there are many illustrations of different angels based than the descriptions made in the scriptures. Some of these represent baby-angels while others show adult creatures.
There are four main classifications of angels, determined by their celestial functions: the seraphim (angels of love), the archangels, the guardian angels and the fallen angels. You can choose the category that has the most meaning for you. Let's see them one by one:
1. The seraphs
These angels would be closest to God. They are always represented flying over the throne of the Father. Their role is to celebrate and glorify God on a daily basis. These angels have six wings and four heads but use only two wings to fly. The others serve to cover their feet and their faces, for God is too holy to be stared at. They are the ones who usually appear to humans to convey the messages of God to them. The tattoos of these angels are common among women who believe deeply in love power of seraphim.
2. The archangels
The archangels are at the top of the hierarchy of angels. They are considered the most powerful beings after God. They assume the most important responsibilities. In addition to being the messengers of God, the archangels are also responsible for the struggle against evil and they have the power to fight his works. The archangels do not only have celestial duties; they also perform missions on earth. The word archangel is a term derived from the Greek verb meaning to command, to be the first; and angel (Littre dictionary). This is why angels govern the earth every day, according to the missions God has given them.
3. The guardian angels
These are the angels responsible for protecting human beings. Many cultures think that each person has a guardian angel. From the moment of your birth, an angel is assigned to guide you and protect you. These angels all have names, given by God himself. Many cultures and churches discourage their followers from naming their guardian angels because once you do, you will be tempted to call them to be at your disposal. If you have a guardian angel tattoo, you will remember that someone looks after you and protects you from all the vicissitudes of the world.
4. The fallen angels
Fallen angels are often considered as demons and henchmen of Satan. However, there is a big difference between fallen angels and demons. Fallen angels are angels who have sinned against God. These creatures were originally angels but succumbed to temptation. Most tattoos of fallen angels represent them with one knee in the ground, as if to implore the forgiveness and mercy of God
There are also popular tattoos of angels that do not represent these creatures in their entirety. Sometimes only important parts of the body are used to represent them. The most commonly used design for angel tattoos is angel wings.
Here is a brief description of tattoo designs using the most popular angel body parts currently:
1. Tattoos of angels wings
It is the most popular angel tattoo drawing in men and women. Sometimes, this type of tattoo is considered – wrongly – as a tattoo of bird wings. Anyway, this drawing remains a classic. Angel wing tattoos can be large or smaller, depending on where you prefer to place your drawing. This drawing is often done in black ink but some people prefer to do it in color or in white ink.
2. Angel face tattoos
It is a type of timeless tattoo. The face of an angel gives off an aura of purity, innocence, goodness and holiness. Tattooing it on your skin will add to your charms. You can choose different types of angels for your tattoo. The most commonly used face is that of the seraph or Cupid angel.
Ideal investment
Angel tattoos can literally be placed anywhere on your body. If you want a huge tattoo, it will be perfect on your back because the surface of it is almost flat. This will allow the drawing to stand out more clearly. The back is also wider than any other part of the body, so you can put a very detailed tattoo on it. The most used design for the back is the angel wings, which usually occupy the entire upper back. Some people use the entire back as a backdrop for their tattoos.
The smaller tattoos can be placed on the shoulders, arms or legs. These body parts are ideal for tattoos that measure maximum 12-13 cm tall and 7-8 wide. They are also particularly suitable for those who wish to expose their tattoos of angels, since they are generally more visible.
Preparation tips before the tattoo session
As angels are naturally charming and attractive, the only problem you will have is to choose the best design for your tattoo. If this is the first time you get tattooed, you need to think carefully about the pattern you want. You will never be short of drawings, so do not rush. You can take all the necessary time before you decide, to be sure you will not regret it later.
For those who already have tattoos and are considering doing more, the advice is the same: think carefully about your drawing and make sure it goes naturally with the tattoos you already have. Never choose tattoos that look odd when put side by side. Make sure your Tattoos drawings look good to others.
Estimate of implementation costs and standard prices
Usually, tattoo artists place a lot of detail in the tattoos of angels. Since they have human faces, they are more difficult to draw than tattoos only composed of geometric shapes and simple patterns. This is why the average realization costs for this type of tattoos are around € 150 to € 300 for a local artist. If you want your tattoo to be made by one of the most renowned and talented artists, it will probably cost you at least double.
Other tattoo artists calculate their prices per hour of work and not by tattooing. Which means that big tattoos are always more expensive than small ones. If you have enough money to pay for an extravagant tattoo drawing, do not hesitate. This tattoo will now be part of you: invest money is worth it. Never compromise the quality of your tattoo just because you want to pay less.
Maintenance Tips
The drawings of freshly tattooed angels are still very delicate. You must follow the proper care procedures if you want your tattoo to stay beautiful. You must first let your skin heal after the procedure. Once your tattoo is completely healed, you will continue to take care of it.
During the first three weeks, you should avoid going to the gym or playing sports. Excessive movements will also move your skin and it will take longer to heal. Your sweat may also reach the injured area and deposit toxins and impurities that could cause an infection.
Also avoid sleeping on your tattoo because the rubbing of the sheets could get the ink out and discolor your drawing.